
Commercial space of the green power harbor in the Netherlands

Commercial space of the green power harbor in the Netherlands
Commercial space of the green power harbor
in the Netherlands

Installed on a historic industrial building located in a port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, this project has an installed capacity of 151 kWp, with HADEC as the distributor and Water Wind Steel as the installer. The completed PV system enables energy self-sufficiency in the commercial space.
Project results
Increased power generation
8,120 kWh/year Increased power generation
Equivalent to average household electricity consumption
39 months Equivalent to average household electricity consumption
Total reduction in CO₂ emissions
4,000 kg/year Total reduction in CO₂ emissions
Equivalent to the average mileage with carbon emissions of a private car
28,890 km Equivalent to the average carbon emission mileage of a family car
( For the same rooftop area, compared with TOPCon modules, AIKO’s N-type ABC modules achieve )
Marcel Geschiere Client
This is a really beautiful project. This building consumes a lot of electricity. With These modules, it can self-sufficient. AIKO provide really beautiful module, full-black appearance with high yield.
Marcel Geschiere Installer Water Wind Steel