
DIY green power villa in Germany

DIY green power villa in Germany
DIY green power villa in Germany

Located in Vlotho, Germany, this project is a customized PV system built by a DIY blogger from the Tech Channel for his residence using the Neostar Series ABC modules. The system combines aesthetics, performance and superior quality, with an installed capacity of 9 kW.
Project results
Increased power generation
480 kWh/year Increased power generation
Equivalent to average household electricity consumption
50 days Equivalent to average household electricity consumption
Total reduction in CO₂ emissions
238 kg/year Total reduction in CO₂ emissions
Equivalent to the average mileage with carbon emissions of a private car
1,585 km Equivalent to the average carbon emission mileage of a family car
( For the same rooftop area, compared with TOPCon modules, AIKO’s N-type ABC modules achieve )
Mike Hanau Client
We only get a maximum of 20 modules installed there. And due to the high efficiency, we actually manage to get to 9000 watts peak. The AIKO modules have convinced me, due to their really very chic design and also the enormous efficiency.
Mike Hanau Engineer